Untitled (Ball Game)


Medium: recording video of live performance


This idea emerged during a conversation with my friends about a throwing game. I feel that my approach to and understanding of life is akin to the continuous process of throwing this little ball. It's a process where finding the ultimate, definite result is forever elusive. It's like there's a square opening on a flat surface, simultaneously having a small ball with the same diameter. One continuously attempts to throw the ball into the opening; the ball might go in directly on the first try, it might never make it, or it might collide with the edges of the opening and bounce off. But let's imagine, even if the ball is perfectly thrown into the opening, due to the square shape, it can never perfectly fill that space. There will always be a part that remains empty. Consequently, the act of throwing becomes a singular gesture, losing its inherent meaning. It transforms into a symbol, a gesture itself in the process of seeking and searching.


