Every Lie Is Worth Believing


Medium: Installation

Jesmonite, coffee, soap, orange


21 * Coffee soap monument with  ‘You are an ok human’
21 * Jesmonite monument with  ‘I am not an ok human’

Inspired by the exploration of the concept of monuments and a contemplation of the immense uncertainty and vulnerability of individual existence, this work delves into the artist's reflection on the inevitable failure that individuals will ultimately encounter and the contemplation of using a deceptive posture as a form of resistance.

Monuments always emerge with the timeless notion, existing as a medium independent of specific events and often employed to commemorate things that once authentically existed but have since disappeared. Their existence implies an irretrievable, irreproducible moment of death while also revealing an infinite yearning for eternity and regeneration - as if a fragile past moment can be resurrected, which is the grandest lie.

The monuments with "You are an ok human" and "I am not an ok human" are divided and arranged as opposing counterparts, tearing at each other, forming two forces in mutual contention yet strangely balanced - perhaps the answer lies within the materials. "You are an ok human" is a beautiful lie, achieving a gentle yet cruel complicity with ourselves and the surrounding world through the use of self-deception as a negative resistance.


